1.G.H. Hsiue*, C.H. Liu and C.C. Wang, 1989, "Preparation of Glucose Oxidase Membrane for the Application of Glucose Sensor by Plasma Activation". J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 38, 1591-1605.
2.G.H. Hsiue* and C.C. Wang, 1990, "Studies on the Physical Properties of Polyethylene-g- Acrylic Acid to Immobilizing Glucose Oxidase". J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 40, 235-247.
3.G.H. Hsiue* and C.C. Wang, 1990, "Glucose Oxidase Immobilized Polyethylene-g-Acrylic Acid Membrane for Glucose Oxidase Sensor" Biotechno. & Bioeng., 36, 811-815.
4.G.H. Hsiue*, C.C. Wang, C.Y. Chen and C.J. Chang, 1990, "Urease Immobilized Polyethylene-g-Acrylic Acid Membrane for Urea Sensor".Die Angew. Makrom. Chem., 179, 149-156.
5.C.C. Wang and G.H. Hsiue*, 1993, "Oxidation of polyethylene surface by glow discharge and subsequent graft copolymerization of acrylic acid". J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Ed., 31, 1307-1314.
6.C.C. Wang and G.H. Hsiue*, 1993, "Immobilization of glucose oxidase on polyethylene film using a plasma induced grafted copolymerization process". J. Biomat. Sci. Polym. Ed., 4(4), 357-367. (for the Hoffman Festschrift)
7.G.H. Hsiue*, S.D. Lee, C.C. Wang and Patricia C.T. Chang, 1993, "ppHEMA modified silicone film towards improving corneal epthelial cells attachment and growth". Biomaterials, 14(8), 591-597.
8.G.H. Hsiue*, S.D. Lee, C.C. Wang and Patricia C.T. Chang, 1993, "The Effect of Plasma Induced Grafted Copolymerization of HEMA on Silicone Rubber Towards Improving Corneal Epithelial Cells Growth". J. Biomat. Sci.,Polym. Ed., 5(3), 205-220. (for the Hoffman Festschrift)
9.C.C. Wang and G.H. Hsiue*, 1993 "Immobilization of Poly(ethylene oxide) on polyethylene using a plasma-induced graft copolymerization process". J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 31, 2601-2607.
10.C.C. Wang and G.H. Hsiue*, 1993, "Glucose Oxidase Immobilization onto a Plasma Induced Graft Copolymerized Polymeric Membrane Modified by Poly(ethylene oxide) as Spacer". J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 50, 1141-1149.
11.G.H. Hsiue* and C.C. Wang, 1993, "Functionalization of Polyethylene Surface Using Plasma Induced Graft Copolymerization of Acrylic Acid", J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Ed., 31, 3327-3337.
12.Hsiue, S.D*. Lee and C.C. Wang , 1994, "Characterization of Plasma-Induced Graft Polymerization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate onto Silicone Rubber". J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 54, 1279-1287.
13.G.H. Hsiue*, S.D. Lee, C.C. Wang, Michael H. I. Shiue and PatriciaT. Chang, 1994, "Plasma Induced Grafted Copolymerization of HEMA onto Silicone Rubber and TPX Film Improves rabbit corneal epthelial cells attachment and growth". Biomaterials, 15(3), 163-171.
14.Yu-Chuan Liu*, Shung-Jim Yang, Thomas C.Chuang and Chee-Chan Wang, 2004, August, “Pyrrole self-assembled monolayer and orderly autopolymerization on chloride-and gold-containing nanocomplexes prepared by electrochemical methods”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 570 1-5, (SCI 2.484/2008)
15.Yu-Chuan Liu* and Chee-Chan Wang, 2005, March, “Effect of Argon Plasma Treatment on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Polypyrrole Deposited on Electrochemically Roughened Gold Substrates”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, 5779-5782, (SCI 4.189/2008)
16.Thomas C. Chuang, Yu-Chuan Liu* and Chee-Chan Wang, 2005, June, ”Improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering of polypyrrole electrodeposited on roughened substrates composed of Au–Ag bimetallic nanoparticles”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 36, 704-708, (SCI 3.526/2008)
17.Hsun-Tsing Lee* and Chee-Chan Wang, 2005, August, "Synthesis and Properties of Aqueous Polyurethane/Polytert-butylacrylate Hybrid Dispersions", Journal of Polymer Research, 12, 271-277, (SCI 1.032/2008)
18.Chee-Chan Wang and Yu-Chuan Liu*, 2005, December, ”Strategy for Obtaining Improved Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering by Combining Electrochemical and Plasmas Technologies”, Electrochemistry Communications, 7, 1199–1204, (SCI 4.194/2008)
19.Yu-Chuan Liu* , Chee-Chan Wang , Chun-En Tsai , 2005, December, “Effects of electrolytes used in roughening gold substrates by oxidation–reduction cycles on surface-enhanced Raman scattering”, Electrochemistry Communications, 7, 1345–1350, (SCI 4.194/2008)
20.En-Shyh Lin*, Chee-Chan Wang, Shu-Chiao Sung, 2006, June, “Cultivating conditions influence lipase production by the edible Basidiomycete Antrodia cinnamomea in submerged culture”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 39(1) , 98–102, (SCI 2.375/2008)
21.Fwu-Long Mi , Shu-Huei Yu , Chih-Kang Peng , Hsing-Wen Sung , Shin-Shing Shyu*, Hsiang-Fa Liang , Mei-Feng Huang , Chee-Chan Wang, 2006, May, “Synthesis and characterization of a novel glycoconjugated macromolecule “ , Polymer, 47, 4348–4358, (SCI 3.331/2008)
22.邱文慧*,王啟川,官常慶, 2006, July, “含荷荷芭油及甘油保濕劑之奈米乳液最適製程探討”, 界面科學會誌, 28(2), 73-90.
23.Li-Huei Lin, Chee-Chan Wang*, Chi-Wu Chen and Keng-Ming Chen, 2006, October, “Water-repellency and Antibacterial Activities of Plasma-Treated Cleavable Silicone Surfactants on Nylon Fabrics”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(3-4),674-678, (SCI 1.860/2008)
24.Wen-Ling Kuo, Li-Yu Lee, Chi-Ming Wu, Chee-Chan Wang, Jau-Song Yu, Ying Liang, Chih-Hong Lo, Kuo-Jao Huang, and Tsann-Long Hwang*, 2006, October, “Differential expression of claudin-4 between intestinal and diffuse-type gastric cancer“, Oncology Reports, 16, 729-734, (SCI 1.524/2008)
25.Wen-Hui Chiu*, Chang-Chin Kwan ,Chee-Chan Wang, 2007, July, “ Physical Properties of the Nano-emulsions Suitably Applied to the Spray Type Cosmetics”, Journal of the Chinese Colloid and Interface Society , 29(2), 61-74
26.Li-Huei Lin*, Keng-Ming Chen and Chee-Chan Wang, 2007, September, “The pH-Dependent Surface Properties of Gelatin-Alkenylsuccinic Acid Anhydride Derived Surfactants”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 105, 3371–3377, (SCI 1.187/2008)
27.Hsun-Tsing Lee* and Chee-Chan Wang, 2007, March, “Effects of Interactions among Polyaniline, Camphorsulfonic Acid and Silica on the Structure and Properties of Their Conductive Hybrids”, Polymer Engineering & Science, 48(3), 439-447, (SCI 1.245/2008).
28.Li-Yu Lee, Chi-Ming Wu, Chee-Chan Wang, Jau-Song Yu, Ying Liang, Kuo-Hao Huang, Chih-Hong Lo and Tsann-Long Hwang*, 2008, "Expression of matrix metalloproteinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 in gastric cancer and their relation to claudin-4 expression" Histology and Histopathology, 23(5), 515-521, (SCI 2.194/2008)
29.Chee-Chan Wang*, 2008, April, "Surfaced-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Active Substrates Prepared through a Combinationof Argon Plasma and Electrochemical Techniques", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(14), 5573-5578, (SCI 3.396/2008)
30.Chee-Chan Wang*, Jr-Shiuan Chen, 2008, July, "Improved Surfaced-Enhanced Raman Scattering Based on Electrochemically Roughened Silver Substrates Modified Through Argon Plasma Treatment", Electrochimica Acta, 53(18), 5615-5620, (SCI 3.078/2008)
31.Chee-Chan Wang*, Shung-Jim Yang, Hsun-Tsing Lee, 2009, March, "Effects of Interactions among Polyaniline, Dodecylbenzylsulfonic Acid and Silica on the Morphology and Properties of Their Sol-Gel Hybrids", Journal of Polymer Research,16, 99–108, (SCI 1.032/2008)
32.Li-Huei Lin*, Chee-Chan Wang, Keng-Ming Chen, Po-Chang Lin, 2009 , August, “Synthesis and physicochemical properties of casein-derived surfactants”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 346 (1-3), 47-51, (SCI 1.926/2008)
33.Chee-Chan Wang, Li-Huei Lin*, Hsun-Tsing Lee, Yu-Wun Ye, 2011, August, “Surface Activity and Micellization Properties of Chitosan-Succinyl Derivatives”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 389, 246-253.
34.Li-Huei Lin*, Chee-Chan Wang, Keng-Ming Chen, Po-Chang Lin, 2013, September 5, “Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Silicon-Based Gemini Surfactants”, Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochem. And Eng. Asp., 436, 881-889.
35.Chee-Chan Wang, Li-Huei Lin*, Chi-Wu Chen, Jr-Shiuan Chen, 2014, April, “Hydrophobicities and antibacterial activities of silicone polyester/titanium dioxide composites on nylon fabrics after argon plasma treatment”, Journal of Polymer Research, 21, 408-415. (NSC-98-2622-E-238-011-CC3)