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3. Yu-Lin Kuo, Jui-Jen Huang, Chiapyng Lee*,Wen-Horng Lee(李文鴻), Diffusion Barrier Properties of Sputtered TaNx Between Cu and Si Using TaN as the Target Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2003
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5. Lee,W. H,(李文鴻), Lin, J. C., Lee, C*., Cheng, H. C., Yew, T. RA Comparative Study of Ar and H2 as the Carrier Gas for the Growth of SiC Films on Si(100) by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapor Deposition at Low Temperatures. Diamond and Related Materials, 2001
6. Lee,W. H,(李文鴻),Lin, J. C., and Lee C.*Characterization of Tantalum Nitride Films Deposited by Sputtering of Ta in N2/Ar Gas Mixtures, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2001
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