1. Ful-Chiang Wu, Thomas C. Chuang, Ya-Chi Lee and Ruei-Lung Lai, 2018/11, Optimal Threshold Value of Digital Dynamic System, 2018 the 4th International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI 2018, Guangzhou, China) 2. C. C. Yu, Y.N. Chen, W. H. Hsu and Thomas C. Chuang, “Automated Text Detection and Text-line Construction System in Natural Images,” the Fourth International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications , Jeju, South Korea, Nov, 2012. 3. C. C. Yu, W. H. Hsu, Y. N. Chen and Thomas C. Chuang, “A Text Detection and Orientation Restoration System for Mobile Devices,” the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing , Athens, Greece, July, 2012. 4. C. H. Cheng, C.C. Yu, C.M. Wang, K.C. Fan and Thomas C. Chuang, "Human Gait Classification using Optical Flow Features," IPPR Conf. on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing (CVGIP), Aug. 2010 5. Kuo-Chin Fan, Chih-Lung Lin, and Thomas C. Chuang, “Hierarchical Decomposition Approach to Palmprint Verification”, CVGIP 2005 6. Chih-Chang Yu, Fan-Di Jou, Chia-Ming Wang, Kuo-Chin Fan, Thomas C. Chuang, “A Non-uniform Quantization Based Multi-resolution Histogram Matching Method for Fast Image/Video Retrieval”, CVGIP 2005 7. Thomas C. Chuang, Chih-Lung Lin, and Ling-Yi Feng, “A Robust Personal Palmprint Identification System”, CVGIP 2005 8. “Collocational Translation Memory Extraction Based on Statistical and Linguistic Information” Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Vol. 10, No.3, September 2005, pp. 329-346 9. Kuo Chin Fan, Chien Hsiang Huang, Thomas C. Chuang, “Italic Detection and Rectification”, The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Submitted, 2005 10. Chang-Lung Tsai, Kuo-Chin Fan, Char-Dir Chung and Thomas C. Chuang, “Data Hiding of Binary Images Using Pair-wise Logical Computation Mechanism”, ICME, Taipei, 2004 11. Chang-Lung Tsai, Kuo-Chin Fan, Char-Dir Chung and Thomas C. Chuang “Reversible and Lossless Data Hiding with Application in Digital Library”, 38th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), New Mexico, USA, Oct. 2004 12. D. L. Lee and Thomas C. Chuang, “Complex Projection Rules for the Complex-valued Hopfield Networks”, 第九屆人工智慧與應用研討會論文集, pp. 28, 2004. 13. Thomas C. Chuang, Jian-Cheng Wu, Tracy Lin, Wen-Chie Shei, Jason S. Chang, “Bilingual Sentence Alignment Based on Punctuation Statistics and Lexicon”, First International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 22-24, Sanya, Hainan Island, China, March 2004 14. H. Liou, J. Chang, Y. Yeh, M. Liaw, C. Lin, H. Chen, G. You, C. Chuang, Z. 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Chuang and Jason S Chang, “Adaptive Sentence Alignment based on Length and Lexical Information”, In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics, Comp. Volume, 91-92, 2002. 23. Jason S. Chang, Geeng-Neng You, Thomas C. Chuang, Ching-Ting Hsieh, David Yu, Afra Cheng, “Building A Bilingual WordNet and Semantic Concordance from Corpus and MRD”, In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Chinese Lexical Semantics, Nangkang, Taiwan, pp.209-223, 2002. 24. T. C. Chuang, S. Yoshida and T.H.K. Frederking, “Optimum Intermediate Temperatures of Two-Stage Gifford-McMahon Type Coolers”, 11th International Cryogenic Conference, pp 401-408, paper accepted March 1, 2000. 25. T.C. Chuang et al, 1983 “The Thermo-Osmotic Heat Transfer on a Solid immersed in Sup erfluid Liquid He II”, ASME, 83-HT-11, 1983. 26. T.C. Chuang, Y Komioka and T. H. K. 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