許立根、蕭富元, 2018.12, “高空太陽能長滯空無人機發展之可行性研究,“ 萬能科技大學2018航空暨工程科技應用學術論文發表研討會論文集, pp.35-39. L. G. Sheu, 2017.11, “A Simple Dispersion Measurement of Fiber-Optic Passive Devices by Interferometric Technique,“ 萬能科技大學2017航空暨工程科技應用學術論文發表研討會論文集, pp.129-132. L. G. Sheu, W. R. Wu, and C. L. Lee, 2016.11, “Directional Acoustic Vibration Sensor Based on an Anisotropic Flat-Clad Fiber Aligned to a Single-Mode Fiber,“ 萬能科技大學2016航空暨工程科技應用學術論文發表研討會論文集, pp.72-75. 許立根、李澄鈴, 2015.12, “快速量測液體材料Sellmeier曲線之中空光纖Fabry-Perot干涉儀,“ 萬能科技大學2015工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會論文集, pp.63-66. L. G. Sheu, J. H. Dai, W. R. Wu, and C. L. Lee, 2014.12, “Micro-Cavity Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer for Refractive Index Measurement,“ 萬能科技大學2014工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會論文集, pp.127-130. L. G. Sheu, C. L. Chen, and C. L. Lee, 2013.12, “Microcavity Fiber Fabry-Pérot Interferometers for High Temperature Measurement,“ 萬能科技大學2013工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會論文集, pp.104-107. L. G. Sheu and H. C. Tsau, 2012.12, “Upstream Power Equalization in LR-PON Using Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers,“ 萬能科技大學2012工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會論文集, pp.104-107. L. G. Sheu and H. C. Tsau, 2012.12, “Optical Power Equalization of Upstream Traffic in LR-PON Using Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers,“ Proc. of Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference 2012, PB-SA-II-(1)-8. 許立根、曹宏傑、盧柏宇,2011.12,“利用反射式半導體光放大器進行時域多工被動光網之上傳訊號的光功率等化,“ 萬能科技大學第六屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會論文集, pp.167-171. L. G. Sheu, C. Y. Hsu, X. Chen, and H. C. Tsau, "ONU Power Equalization in TDM-PON with Injection-Locked Fabry-Perot Laser Diodes," Proc. of International Photonics Conference 2011, PB-FR-10. L. G. Sheu, T. T. Huang, C. Y. Hsu, and S. Chi, "Optical Power Equalization of Upstream Traffic in TDM-PON Using Injection-Locked Fabry-Perot Lasers," Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2010, OPT2-P-079. L. G. Sheu, Y. T. Liu, T. T. Huang, C. Y. Hsu, and S. Chi, 2009.12, “Tunable Power Splitter Based on Wide-Band Fiber Coupler Immersed in a Thermal-Optic Material,“ Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2009, Sat-P1-154. T. T. Huang, L. G. Sheu, and S. Chi, 2009. 7, “All-Optical Gain-Clamped Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier Using a DWDM Demultiplexer,“ Tech. Digest. OECC 2009, ThLP16. L. G. Sheu, C. Y. Wang , J. M. Chen, T. T. Huang, and S. Chi, 2009. 7, “Optical Fiber Design for Slanted Grating Filters with Narrow-Band Symmetric Response,“ Tech. Digest. OECC 2009, ThLP29. L. G. Sheu, T. T. Huang, and S. Chi, 2008.12, “A Cost-Effective Measurement of Multi-Wavelength Optical Amplifiers by Using a Broadband Source and a DWDM Multiplexer,“ Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2008, Fri-P1-154. T. T. Huang, L. G. Sheu, H. M. Fang, W. L. Huang, and S. Chi, 2007.11, “Measuring Gain and Noise Figure of Multi-Wavelength Optical Amplifiers Using an ASE Source and DWDM Filters, ” Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2007, BP-073. L. G. Sheu and H. M. Fang, 2007. 7, “Common-Path Interferometer for Characterization of Fiber Bragg Gratings, ” Tech. Digest. OECC/IOOC 2007, 13P-16. L. G. Sheu, K. Y. Chung, D. C. Hong, Y. X. Wang, W. X. Huang, W. Hsu, and Yinchieh Lai, 2006. 7, “Gain and Noise-figure Measurement for Optical Amplifiers by Using a Broadband Source and DWDM Filters, ” Tech. Digest. OECC 2006, 7D2-5. L. G. Sheu, K. C. Hsu, and Yinchieh Lai, 2006. 5, “Commom-Path Interferometer for Dispersion Measurement of Fiber Bragg Gratings, ” Tech. Digest. CLEO 2006, JThC74. L. G. Sheu, W. H. Lin, T. H. Ho, S. H. Bai, Y. C. Huang, K. C. Hsu, and Yinchieh Lai, 2005. 12, “Commom-Path Interferometer for Dispersion Measurement of Fiber Gratings, ” Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’05, PB-FR2-07. L. G. Sheu, Y. P. Wang, and Yinchieh Lai, 2005. 12, “A Simple and Accurate Measurement for Optical Amplifiers Using an ASE Source and DWDM Filters, ” Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’05, PB-FR2-02. K. C. Hsu, L. G. Sheu, and Yinchieh Lai, 2005. 9, “Fabrication of Fiber Bragg Gratings by Sequential UV-Writing with Real-Time Interferometric Side-Diffraction Position Monitoring, ” Tech. Digest. ECOC 2005, We4.p.132. L. G. Sheu, J. M. Chen, S. Y. Yu, K. C. Hsu, M. C. Tsai, and Yinchieh Lai, 2005. 8, “A Simple Dispersion Measurement of Fiber Gratings by Interferometric Technique, ” Tech. Digest. 20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, 0208-06. L. G. Sheu, J. M. Chen, S. Y. Yu, K. C. Hsu, and Yinchieh Lai, 2005. 5, “Measuring Chromatic Dispersion of Fiber-Optic Passive Devices by Interferometric Technique, ” Symposium on Technology Fusion of Optoelectronic and Communications 2005, p. 20F11. L. G. Sheu, S. H. Chang, and Y. C. Lai, 2004. 12, “Multi-Channel Dispersion Compensating Fiber Grating with Purely Phase-Sampling Superstructure by Effective Genetic Algorithm, ” Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’04, pp. 521-523. K. C. Hsu, S. H. Chang, K. P. Chuang, Y. C. Lai, and L. G. Sheu, 2004. 12, “Improved Fiber Bragg Grating Step-Scan Exposure by Interferometric Side-Diffraction Position Monitoring Technique with Reference Fiber Grating, ” Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’04, pp. 521-523. L. G. Sheu, J. M. Chen, S. Y. Yu, K. P. Chuang, M. C. Tsai, and Y. C. Lai, 2004. 12, “A Simple and Accurate Dispersion Measurement of Fiber Gratings by Interferometric Technique, ” Proc. of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’04, pp. 521-523. K. P. Chuang, L. G. Sheu, and Y. C. Lai, 2004. 2, “Complex Fiber Grating Structures Fabricated by Using Polarization Control of UV Exposure Beam, ”in Tech. Digest. OFC, p. MF25, 2004. L. G. Sheu, K. P. Chuang, and Y. C. Lai, 2003. 12, “Multi-Channel Dispersion Compensating Fiber Grating by Single-Period Overlap-Step-Scan Exposure, ”Proc. Of CLEO / Pacific Rim 2003, p. TH4A-(8)-6. L. G. Sheu, Y. T. Lin, and Y. C. Lai, 2003. 12, “Dual-Stage Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier Using a Grating-Assisted Michelson Interferometer, ”Proc. Of CLEO / Pacific Rim 2003, p. WP8-(8)-14. K. P. Chuang, Y. C. Lai, and L. G. Sheu, 2003. 12, “Complex Fiber Grating Structures Fabricated by Sequential Writing with Polarization Control, ”Proc. Of CLEO / Pacific Rim 2003, p. W2I-(8)-5 L. G. Sheu, K. P. Chung, and Y. C. Lai, 2002. 12,“Phase-Shifted Fiber Grating as a Dipersion Compensator,”Proc. Of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’02, pp. 521-523. Y. H. Chen, L. G. Sheu, C. C. Yang, I. W. Wei, W. C. Lin, Y. Z. Lee, C. H. Hsia, 1998. 7, “Long-Period Gratings as an ASE Suppressor, ”Proc. Of SPIE: Optical Fiber Communication, pp. 188-193. M. L. Wu, P. L. Fan, L. G. Sheu, and C. T. Lee, 1996,“Transmission Characteristics of Lossless Bends in Optical Waveguides,”Photonic/Taiwan 96, paper FRD-C-2. C. T. Lee, L. G. Sheu, and H. C. Lee, 1995.12,“Measurement of Propagation Loss in Ti-Diffused LiNbO3 Waveguide Resonators with Phase Modulator,”Semiconductor, Fiber and Integrated Optoelectronic Conference, Taipei, FI 2-3-1. L. G. Sheu and C. T. Lee, 1995,“Stimulated Emission Cross Sections and Fluorescence Branching Ratios of Nd in Ti-Diffused Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 Waveguides,”Proc. Int. Conf. on Optoelectron. and Lasers, Haugzhou, China, pp. 97-100. H. C. Lee, C. T. Lee, T. E. Nee, L. G. Sheu, and J. C. Lee, 1993,“The Elimination of Harmonic Generation in Cascaded Mach-Zehnder Modulator,”The First International Symposium on Laser and Optoelectronics Technology and Applications, Singapore, pp. 137-142. C. T. Lee, S. J. Chao, H. C. Lee, L. G. Sheu, and Y. K. Tu, 1992,“The Generation of Picosecond Laser Pulse by Cascaded Mach-Zehnder Modulator,”1992 International Electronic Devices and Material Symposium, pp. 132-134.