Chia-Cheng Liu, Yan-Kuen Wu and Yung-Yih Lur*, On the max-nilpotent t-norm powers of a fuzzy matrix, Fuzzy Sets and Systems ,(271) 70-80, 15 July 2015 (SCI: 1.749; IF:21/247 Mathematics, Applied)
Yan-Kuen Wu*, Chia-Cheng Liu and Yung-Yih Lur, Pareto-optimal solution for multiple objective linear programming problems with fuzzy goals, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 14 43-55. (2015)(SCI)
Ching-Feng Wen, Chia-Cheng Liu and Yung-Yih Lur*, Fixed points of functions with max-weighted quasi-arithmetic mean operator, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 445 ) 302-315. (2014(SCI: 0.968; IF:84/247 Mathematics, Applied)
Heng Ma, Tsueng-Fang Tsai and Chia-Cheng Liu, “Real-time Monitoring of Water Quality using Temporal Trajectory of Live Fish,” Expert Systems With Applications, 37(7), 5158-5171 (2010).(SCI)
Heng Ma, Chia-Cheng Liu (2007), "A 2-D Profile Packing Approach for Multi-Torch Flame Cutting," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, No. 12, pp. 2841-2857.(SCI)
Heng Ma, Chia-Cheng Liu (2007), "Fast Nesting of 2-D Sheet Parts with Arbitrary Shapes Using a Greedy Method and Semi-discrete Representations," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 273-282.(SCI)
Heng Ma, Wen-Wei Yang and Chia-Cheng Liu(2007), "Off-line Chinese-based Signature Verification using a Threshold Self-organizing Map," Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 225-235. (EI)(獲選工業工程論文獎)
謝日章,孫衙聰與劉家盛(2005), "應用霍普菲爾-坦克類神經網路於單機排程延遲時間與調備時間最小化研究," 萬能學報, 第27期, August 2005, pp.145-162.
Tseng, Yuan-Jye, Chen, Y.-D. and Liu, C.-C. (2001), “NC Machining of Freeform Curves Using Biarc Approximation,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 17, No. 11, June, pp. 783-790.(SCI)
Tseng, Yuan-Jye, and Liu, Chia-Cheng (2001), “Concurrent analysis of machining sequences and fixturing setups for minimizing setup changes for machining mill-turn parts,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 39, No. 18, December, pp. 4197-4214.(SCI)
劉家盛與鄭元杰(2000),"車銑切削加工複合工件之夾具夾持分析," 中國工業工程學刊, Vol. 17, No. 3, May 2000, pp 331-340.(EI)(獲選工業工程論文獎)
Chia-Cheng Liu, Yan-Kuen Wu, Yung-Yih Lur* and Chia-Lun Tsai, On the power sequence of a fuzzy matrix with convex combination of max-product and max-min operations. (Submitted to Fuzzy Sets and Systems)