Chin-Mei Chou, Yu-Tai Yang and Li Chung-Chih 2014. The Threshold Effect of Service Quality on profitability: Evidence from Taiwanese Hospitality industry. Current Issues in Tourism. (SSCI) (In-Process) T. Y. Yang, Yu-Tai Yang and Chin-Mei Chou 2014. Study on The Asymmetry of The News Aspect of The Stock Market: Evidence From Three Institutional Investors of Taiwan Stock Market. Panoeconomicus. (SSCI) (Accepted) T. Y. Yang and Yu-Tai Yang 2014. Performance of International Capital in the Taiwanese Stock Market. Panoeconomicus. (Accepted) (Econlit) Yu-Tai Yang and T. Y. Yang 2014. A Study of the Economic Indexes Affecting the Rate of Return of Taiwan’s Real Estate Investment Trusts Fund. The Journal of Private Equity. Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 51-68. (Econlit) Yu-Tai Yang and T. Y. Yang 2012. Determinants of Inflow to Mutual Funds: Criterion and Methodology for Their Application -to the Mainland China Market. Journal of behavioral finance. 15: 269–276. (SSCI) T. Y. Yang, Yu-Tai Yang, Bishop, Barry and Shen, Ming-Chan 2011, Russia’s Economic Reform Insights and Analyses into Gazprom. OPEC Energy Review. Vol. 35, No.2, pp. 140-156. (Econlit) Meng Fen Hsieh, T. Y. Yang, Yu-Tai Yang and Jen-Sin Lee 2011. Evidence on Herding and Positive Feedback Trading for Mutual Funds in Asian Emerging Countries. Quantitative finance, Vol.11 No. 3, pp. 423-435. (SSCI) (碩士論文) T. Y. Yang and Yu-Tai Yang 2009. Mutual Fund Performance in the Mainland China Market. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, Vol. 5, No. 2. (ISSN :1813-0534) Fen Hsieh Meng, Yu-Tai Yang and Tam Bang Vu 2008. Do Herding Behavior and Positive Feedback Effects Influence Capital Inflows? Evidence from Asia and Latin America. International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Volume 2, Number 2, 19-34.(Econlit)