- 學(經)歷
美國Argosy University Orange County(亞格斯大學)-企管所 博士
美國University of Massachusetts at Lowell(麻州州立大學)-環境科學所 碩士
- 學術專長
- 人力資源管理、組織行為、倫理與職業道德、組織理論與管理、個案研討、商務談判
- 專業證照
行政院勞委會 乙級證照-門市服務
- 聯絡方式
- 電話/分機:研究室J404-1,分機63681
- E-mail:powerjoe@mail.vnu.edu.tw
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102學年度國科會計畫案計畫編號:NSC 102-2410-H-238 -006
Modeling Team Performance, Team Planning and Their Antecedents
101學年度國科會計畫案計畫編號:NSC 101-2410-H-238 -006
Modeling Innovation Performance from Two Different Theoretical Perspectives
99學年度國科會計畫案計畫編號:NSC 99-2410-H-238 -002
Modeling Organizational Commitment and Job Self-Efficacy: An Information Asymmetry Aspect
98學年度國科會計畫案計畫編號:NSC 98-2410-H-238 -006
Modeling Knowledge Sharing and Interemployee Helping From a Perspective of Flow Theory
102 學年度 國際暨兩岸交流中心 主 任
102 學年度 校務委員
101學年度 國際招生中心 執行秘書
100學年度 國際招生宣導 執行秘書
99 學年度公關招生宣導委員會 執行秘書
102學年度 企業管理系 系主任
102學年度 經營管理研究所 所長
100-102學年度經營管理研究所碩士論文 指導老師
100學年度 企管四系四甲 導師
100 學年度 全英語授課師資培訓課程
99 學年度 2010全國經營管理實務專題競賽
99 學年度 研究傑出教師獎
99 學年度 優良導師
一、近五年著作表(2011-2015) :10篇SSCI期刊論文
[1] Joe, S. W., Tsai, Y. H., Lin, C. P., Ma, H. C., Chiu, C. K. (Accepted). Assessing perceived value: Moderating effects of susceptibility to brand prestige and susceptibility to normative influence. Review of Managerial Science. (SSCI)
[2] Joe, S. W., Tsai, Y. H., Lin, C. P., & Liu, W. T. (Accepted). Modeling team performance and its determinants in high-tech industries: Future trends of virtual teaming. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (SSCI)
[3] Tsai, Y. H., Joe, S. W., Lin, C. P., Chiu, C. K, & Shen, K. T. (Accepted). Exploring Corporate Citizenship and Purchase Intention: Mediating Effects of Brand Trust and Corporate Identification. Business Ethics: A European Review. (SSCI)
[4] Tsai, Y. H., Joe, S. W., Liu, W. T., Lin, C. P., Chiu, C. K., Tang, C. C. (Accepted). Modeling job effectiveness in the context of coming out as a sexual minority: A socio-cognitive model. Review of Managerial Science. (SSCI)
[5] Tsai, Y. H., Joe, S. W., Lin, C. P., Wang, R. T. (accepted). Modeling Job Pursuit Intention: Moderating Mechanisms of Socio-Environmental Consciousness. Journal of Business Ethics (SSCI).
[6] Tsai, Y. H., Joe, S. W., Ding, C. G., Lin, C. P. (2013). “Modeling Technological Innovation Performance and Its Determinants: An Aspect of Buyer-Seller Social Capital,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(6), 1211-1221. (SSCI)
[7] Lin, C. P., Tsai, Y. H., Joe, S. W., and Chiu, C. K. (2013). “Modeling IT Product Recall Intention Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action and Information Asymmetry: A Qualitative Aspect,” Quality & Quantity, 47(2), 753-759. (SSCI)
[8] Tsai, Y. H., Joe, S. W., Lin, C. P., Wang, R. T., and Chang, Y. H. (2012). “Modeling the Relationship Between IT-Mediated Social Capital and Social Support: Key Mediating Mechanisms of Sense of Group,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(9), 1592-1604. (SSCI)
[9] Lin, C. P., and Joe, S. W. (2012). “To Share or Not to Share: Assessing Knowledge Sharing, Interemployee Helping and Their Antecedents Among Online Knowledge Workers,” Journal of Business Ethics, 108(4), 439-449. (SSCI)
[10] Lin, C. P., Tsai, Y. H., Joe, S. W., and Chiu, C. K. (2012). “Modeling the Relationship Among Perceived Corporate Citizenship, Firms’ Attractiveness, and Career Success Expectation,” Journal of Business Ethics, 105(1), 83-93. (SSCI)
二、過去著作表(2006-2010) :9篇SSCI期刊論文
[11] Joe, S. W. (2010). “Assessing job self-efficacy and organizational commitment considering a mediating role of information asymmetry,” Social Science Journal. (SSCI)
[12] Lin, C. P., Chiu, C. K., Joe, S. W. and Tsai, Y. H. (2010). “Assessing online learning ability from a social exchange perspective: A survey of virtual teams within business organizations,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26(9), 849-867. (SSCI)
[13] Tsai, Y. H., Lin, C. P., Chiu, C. K. and Joe, S. W. (2010). “Learning cyber trust using a triadic functioning analysis: A qualitative approach,” Quality & Quantity. 44(6), 1165-1174, (SSCI)
[14] Tsai, Y. H., Lin, C. P., Chiu, C. K. and Joe, S. W. (2009). “Understanding learning behavior using location and prior performance as moderators,” Social Science Journal, 46(4), 787-799. (SSCI)
[15] Joe, S. W., Lin, S. Y. and Chiu, C. K. (2010). “Modeling the unethical intention of software piracy: A qualitative integration of network externalities and information cascades,” Quality & Quantity, 44(1), 191-198. (SSCI)
[16] Joe, S. W. and Chiu, C. K. (2009). “Proposing online game loyalty and its antecedents considering gender as a moderator: a qualitative study,” Quality & Quantity, 43(5), 731-741. (SSCI)
[17] Lin, C. P., Chiu, C. K. and Joe, S. W. (2009). “Modeling Perceived Job Productivity and Its Antecedents Considering Gender as a Moderator,” Social Science Journal, 46(1), 192-200. (SSCI)
[18] Joe, S. W. and Lin, C. P. (2008). “Learning online community citizenship behavior: a socio-cognitive model,” CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 367-370. (SSCI)
[19] Lin, C. P., Huang, H. N., Joe, S. W. and Ma, H. C. (2008). “Learning the determinants of satisfaction and usage intention of instant messaging,” CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 262-267. (SSCI)
二、 國際學術研討會論文
Chiu, C.K., Joe, S.W., and Trieu, T.V. (2013). Explore the Linkage between Corporate Responsibility and Tourism Sustainable Development”, The 3th Asia As One Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, p.91, ISBN: 978-974-8445-43-4
黃智暉、陳羿如、吳翊寧、周勝武 (2013). “利用Heckman模型探討保險再購之影響因子”, 2013 第七屆創新管理學術與實務研討會
Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W., Chiu, C. K., Tsai, Y. H., and Hung, C. C. (2013). “Exploring Team Climate and Performance: Mediating Effects of Corporation and Team Efficacy”, The ASBBS OF 20TH Annual Conference, Las-Vegas, USA, p. 58,
Lin, W. K., Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W, and Hung, W. T. (2012). “Modeling Knowledge Sharing Effectiveness and Psychological Contract”, The 2th ICBB & CSR-UN Conference, Bali, Indonesia, p.526-533, ISBN: 978-602-99879-1-1
Lin, W. K., Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W, and Hung, W. T. (2012). “Understanding Corporate Citizenship and Organizational Commitment Among Business Organizations: A moderating Role of Organizational Trust”, The 2th ICBB & CSR-UN Conference, Bali, Indonesia, p.534-553, ISBN: 978-602-99879-1-1
周勝武,黃清長(2011). “透過合作與自我效能的團隊關係探討團隊氣候與團隊成效關係之研究”, 第五屆創新管理學術與實務研討會,
周勝武,李百芳(2011). “組織承諾與海外派遣意願關係之研究-以個人生涯規畫為中間變項”, 第五屆創新管理學術與實務研討會,
Lin, W. K., Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W, and Chiu, C. K.(2011) “Modeling Innovation Performance and Its Determinants: A Socio-Cognitive Model”, 3rd International Conference on Business & Management Education, Bangkok
Joe, S. W., Lin, C. P., and Tsai, Y. H. (2007) “Modeling Online Game Loyalty and Its Antecedents,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Business and Information, Tokyo (Volume 4, ISSN 1729-9322).
Joe, S. W., Chiu, C. K., and Hsiao, C. Y. (2006). “Understanding the Loyalty Formation of Online Games from a Perspective of Sex Role Differences,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Business and Information, Singapore (ISSN 1729-9322).
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