中華民國飛安基金會(民航局航訓所協辦) 飛安課程演講(2004-Present) Seeded Instructor, The Flight Safety training courses (SMS, Human Factors, Airside Safety) conducted by FSFT, ATI, & CAA.
空軍官校飛安中心 飛安課程講座(2005-Present) Seeded Instructor, The Flight Safety training courses (SMS, Human Factors, Airside Safety) conducted by FSTC, R.O.C Air Force Academy.
空軍司令部主辦-「彭斯民老師-中美空軍抗戰文物特展」(2019.07.04~09.05) Exhibitor, "Asst. Prof. Peng Szu-ming Present - the wartime relics of Chinese American Air Force against Japanese Aggression" conducted by the Headquarter of ROCAF.
空軍第六聯隊 空側安全案例研討(2019.08) Speaker, "Airside Safety", The 6th Wings of ROCAF.
中華航空公司演講 空侧安全案例研討(2019.07) Speaker, "Airside Safety", China Airlines.
陸軍601旅飛安講座 安全管理系統(2019.04) Speaker, "Safety Management System, SMS", The 601st Aviation Force of R.O.C Army
陸軍601旅飛安講座 人為因素與組員資源管理(2017.09) Speaker, "Human Factors & CRM", The 601st Aviation Force of R.O.C Army
陸軍601旅飛安講座 人為因素案例研討(2015.09) Speaker, "Case studies in Human Factors", The 601st Aviation Force of R.O.C Army
福建師範教育大學飛安講座 飛航安全管理(2015.05) Speaker, "Flight Safety Management", Fujian Normal University.
陸軍601旅飛安講座 人為因素案例研討(2014.09) Speaker, "Case studies in Human Factors", The 601st Aviation Force of R.O.C Army
空軍司令部飛安講座 如何建制安全管理系統SMS(2014.01) Speaker, "How to establish SMS", The HQ of R.O.C Air Force.
空軍松山指揮部飛安講座 空側安全管理(2013.10) Speaker, "Airside Safety Management", The Songshan Airlift Command of R.O.C Air Force.
陸軍601旅飛安講座 機坪安全管理(2013.03) Speaker, "The Ramp Safety Management", The 601st Aviation Force of R.O.C Army
海軍飛航指揮部飛安講座 機場空側安全管理(2011.06) Speaker, "Airside Safety Management", The Naval Aviation Command of R.O.C Navy.
復興航空公司演講 機坪安全(2010.04) Speaker, "Ramp Safety", The HQ of Trans Asia Airways.
教育部技職教育七年一貫示範教學演講 空運學(2009.11) Demo Teacher, "Introduction for Aviation Industry" for 7 years of consistent Technical Education Program conducted by Ministry of Education, R.O.C