萬能科技大學第二屆電資科技與應用研討會,Dec. 2007, 中壢,台灣。 萬能科技大學第三屆電資科技與應用研討會,Dec. 2008, 中壢,台灣。 2007 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, Dec. 20-22, 2007, Tainan, Taiwan. 2007年海峽兩岸三地無線科技研討會, Aug. 23-27, 2007, 安徽合肥。 The 2004 IEEE International Workshop on BioMedical Circuits & Systems, Dec. 1-3, 2004, Singapore. The 10th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, July 7-10,, Tsukuba Japan. The 16th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Sept. 2003, Poland. The 1st International Meeting on Microsensors and Microsystems, Jan. 12-14, 2003, Tainan, Taiwan. The 9th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, 7-10 July 2002, Boston USA.